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¥Usage Guides

使用指南部分提供了如何在实际应用中正确使用 Redux 的实用指南,包括项目设置和架构、模式、实践和技术。

¥The Usage Guides section provides practical guidance on how to correctly use Redux in real-world applications, including project setup and architecture, patterns, practices, and techniques.


此类别中的页面假设你了解 "Redux 基础知识" 教程 中解释的核心 Redux 术语和概念,包括操作、reducer、存储、不可变性、React-Redux 和异步逻辑。

¥The pages in this category assume you understand the core Redux terms and concepts explained in the "Redux Fundamentals" tutorial, including actions, reducers, stores, immutability, React-Redux, and async logic.


¥Setup and Organization

本节介绍如何设置和组织基于 Redux 的项目的信息。

¥This section covers information on how to set up and organize Redux-based projects.


¥Code Quality

本节提供有关用于提高 Redux 代码质量的工具和技术的信息。

¥This section provides information on tools and techniques used to improve the quality of your Redux code.

Redux 逻辑和模式

¥Redux Logic and Patterns

本节提供有关典型 Redux 模式和编写不同类型 Redux 逻辑的方法的信息。

¥This section provides information about typical Redux patterns and approaches for writing different kinds of Redux logic.