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¥Redux Tutorials Index

Redux 官方教程

¥Redux Official Tutorials

快速启动页面 简要展示了设置 Redux Toolkit + React 应用的基础知识,TypeScript 快速入门页面 展示了如何设置 Redux Toolkit 和 React 以与 TypeScript 一起使用。

¥The Quick Start page briefly shows the basics of setting up a Redux Toolkit + React application, and the TypeScript Quick Start page shows how to set up Redux Toolkit and React for use with TypeScript.


¥We have two different full-size tutorials:

  • Redux 概要教程 是 "自上而下" 的教程,使用我们最新推荐的 API 和最佳实践(用于逻辑的 Redux Toolkit、用于 UI 的 React-Redux hooks 以及用于获取和缓存数据的 "RTK 查询")来教授 "如何正确使用 Redux"。

    ¥The Redux Essentials tutorial is a "top-down" tutorial that teaches "how to use Redux the right way", using our latest recommended APIs and best practices (Redux Toolkit for the logic, React-Redux hooks for the UI, and "RTK Query" for fetching and caching data).

  • Redux 基础教程 是 "自下而上" 的教程,从第一原理讲授 "Redux 是如何工作的",没有任何抽象,以及为什么存在标准 Redux 使用模式。

    ¥The Redux Fundamentals tutorial is a "bottom-up" tutorial that teaches "how Redux works" from first principles and without any abstractions, and why standard Redux usage patterns exist.


我们建议从 Redux 概要教程 开始,因为它涵盖了你需要了解的有关如何开始使用我们的现代 Redux Toolkit 包编写实际应用的关键点。

¥We recommend starting with the Redux Essentials tutorial, since it covers the key points you need to know about how to get started using our modern Redux Toolkit package to write actual applications.


¥Additional Resources

学习 Modern Redux 直播

¥Learn Modern Redux Livestream

Redux 维护者 Mark Erikson 出现在 "和杰森一起学习" 节目中,解释了我们今天如何建议使用 Redux。该节目包括一个实时编码的示例应用,展示了如何将 Redux Toolkit 和 React-Redux hooks 与 TypeScript 结合使用,以及新的 RTK 查询数据获取 API:

¥Redux maintainer Mark Erikson appeared on the "Learn with Jason" show to explain how we recommend using Redux today. The show includes a live-coded example app that shows how to use Redux Toolkit and React-Redux hooks with TypeScript, as well as the new RTK Query data fetching APIs:
