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¥Recommended Videos

这里有一些我们可以推荐的优秀视频教程。这些视频展示了我们在文档中教授的相同 "现代回归" 方法。

¥Here are some excellent video tutorials that we can recommend. These videos show the same "modern Redux" approaches that we teach in our docs.

学习 Modern Redux 直播

¥Learn Modern Redux Livestream

Redux 维护者 Mark Erikson 出现在 "和杰森一起学习" 节目中,解释了我们今天如何建议使用 Redux。该节目包括一个实时编码的示例应用,展示了如何将 Redux Toolkit 和 React-Redux hooks 与 TypeScript 结合使用,以及新的 RTK 查询数据获取 API:

¥Redux maintainer Mark Erikson appeared on the "Learn with Jason" show to explain how we recommend using Redux today. The show includes a live-coded example app that shows how to use Redux Toolkit and React-Redux hooks with TypeScript, as well as the new RTK Query data fetching APIs:


RTK 查询基础知识:查询端点、数据流和 TypeScript

¥RTK Query Basics: Query Endpoints, Data Flow and TypeScript

RTK 查询创建者 Lenz Weber-Tronic 提供的有关 RTK 查询基础知识的视频课程。

¥A video course on RTK Query basics by Lenz Weber-Tronic, the creator of RTK Query.

你可以 在 Egghead 免费观看此 RTK 查询视频课程 或在这里查看第一课:

¥You can watch this RTK Query video course for free at Egghead or take a look at the first lesson right here:

Redux 工具包完整教程(Dave Gray)

¥Redux Toolkit Complete Tutorial with Dave Gray

这个时长 4 小时的教程视频通过展示如何构建 "Redux 要点" 教程 中介绍的相同示例应用来教授如何使用 Redux Toolkit,并逐步介绍应用的每个部分的工作原理。

¥This 4-hour tutorial video teaches how to use Redux Toolkit by showing how to build the same example app that's covered in the "Redux Essentials" tutorial, and walks through how each piece of the app works.


Jamund Ferguson 的书呆子课程

¥Egghead Courses with Jamund Ferguson

Jamund Ferguson 在 Egghead 上创建了几门优秀的 "现代回归" 课程。

¥Jamund Ferguson has created several excellent "modern Redux" courses on Egghead.

使用 Redux Toolkit (RTK) 和 TypeScript 的现代 Redux

¥Modern Redux with Redux Toolkit (RTK) and TypeScript

蛋头课程:使用 Redux 工具包和 TypeScript 的现代 Redux

¥Egghead course: Modern Redux with Redux Toolkit and TypeScript

本课程采用使用 React 构建的基本购物车应用,并使用 TypeScript 通过 Redux 和 RTK 为其提供全面支持。它介绍了 Redux Toolkit 如何简化设置 Redux 应用的过程,包括构建切片、reducer、选择器和 thunk,以及所有使用 TypeScript 键入的内容。

¥This course takes a basic shopping cart application built with React and fully power it with Redux and RTK using TypeScript. It covers how Redux Toolkit simplifies the process of setting up your Redux application, including building slices, reducers, selectors and thunks, and all typed with TypeScript.

使用 React Hooks 实现旧版 Redux 应用的现代化

¥Modernizing a Legacy Redux Application with React Hooks

蛋头课程:使用 React Hooks 实现旧版 Redux 应用的现代化

¥Egghead course: Modernizing a Legacy Redux Application with React Hooks

该课程涵盖如何对现有 React+Redux 应用进行现代化改造,从 React 类组件和 React-Redux connect API 等旧式模式,到使用 React 函数组件和 React-Redux useSelector/useDispatch 钩子的现代模式。

¥A course that covers how to modernize existing React+Redux applications from older-style patterns like React class components and the React-Redux connect API, to modern patterns with React function components and the React-Redux useSelector/useDispatch hooks.

使用 Jest 和 TypeScript 自信地测试 Redux 应用

¥Confidently Testing Redux Applications with Jest & TypeScript

蛋头课程:使用 Jest 和 TypeScript 自信地测试 Redux 应用

¥Egghead course: Confidently Testing Redux Applications with Jest & TypeScript

随着时间的推移,构建和测试 Redux 应用的最佳实践发生了巨大的变化。本课程旨在为那些寻求自信地测试 Redux 应用的人提供全面且最新的资源。

¥Best practices for building & testing Redux applications have changed dramatically over time. This course aims to be a comprehensive and up-to-date resource for those seeking to confidently test their Redux apps.