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¥Learning Resources

Redux 文档旨在教授 Redux 的基本概念,并解释在实际应用中使用的关键概念。然而,文档并不能涵盖所有内容。令人高兴的是,还有许多其他很棒的资源可用于学习 Redux。我们鼓励你检查一下。其中许多内容涵盖了超出文档范围的主题,或者以可能更适合你的学习风格的其他方式描述相同的主题。

¥The Redux docs are intended to teach the basic concepts of Redux, as well as explain key concepts for use in real-world applications. However, the docs can't cover everything. Happily, there are many other great resources available for learning Redux. We encourage you to check them out. Many of them cover topics that are beyond the scope of the docs, or describe the same topics in other ways that may work better for your learning style.

本页面包含我们推荐的一些可用于学习 Redux 的最佳外部资源。有关 React、Redux、Javascript 和相关主题的教程、文章和其他资源的更多详细列表,请参阅 React/Redux 链接列表

¥This page includes our recommendations for some of the best external resources available to learn Redux. For an additional extensive list of tutorials, articles, and other resources on React, Redux, Javascript, and related topics, see the React/Redux Links list.


¥Basic Introductions

教授 Redux 基本概念以及如何使用它的教程

¥Tutorials that teach the basic concepts of Redux and how to use it

将 Redux 与 React 结合使用

¥Using Redux With React

React-Redux 绑定库的说明

¥Explanations of the React-Redux bindings library


¥Project-Based Tutorials

通过构建项目(包括更大的 "real-world" 类型应用)来教授 Redux 概念的教程

¥Tutorials that teach Redux concepts by building projects, including larger "real-world"-type applications

  • 实用 Redux
    一系列正在进行的帖子,旨在通过构建示例应用来演示许多特定的 Redux 技术,该示例应用基于用于管理 Battletech 战役的 MekHQ 应用。由 Redux 联合维护者 Mark Erikson 编写。涵盖的主题包括管理关系数据、连接多个组件和列表、功能的复杂化简器逻辑、处理表单、显示模式对话框等等。(注意:这是一个较旧的系列,今天我们推荐编写 Redux 代码的较新模式。但是,本系列中的许多原则仍然很有价值。)

    ¥Practical Redux
    An ongoing series of posts intended to demonstrate a number of specific Redux techniques by building a sample application, based on the MekHQ application for managing Battletech campaigns. Written by Redux co-maintainer Mark Erikson. Covers topics like managing relational data, connecting multiple components and lists, complex reducer logic for features, handling forms, showing modal dialogs, and much more. (Note: this is an older series, and today we recommend newer patterns for writing Redux code. However, many of the principles in this series are still valuable.)

Redux 实现

¥Redux Implementation

通过编写微型重新实现来解释 Redux 内部如何工作

¥Explanations of how Redux works internally, by writing miniature reimplementations


讨论编写 reducer 函数的方法的文章

¥Articles discussing ways to write reducer functions




¥Explanations of how and why to use selector functions to read values from state



如何像数据库一样构建 Redux 存储以获得最佳性能

¥How to structure the Redux store like a database for best performance




¥Explanations and examples of how middleware work and how to write them

副作用 - 基本

¥Side Effects - Basics

Redux 中处理异步行为的介绍

¥Introductions to handling async behavior in Redux

副作用 - 高级

¥Side Effects - Advanced


¥Advanced tools and techniques for managing async behavior

Redux 中的思考

¥Thinking in Redux

更深入地了解 Redux 的用途以及它为何如此工作

¥Deeper looks at how Redux is meant to be used, and why it works the way it does

Redux 架构

¥Redux Architecture

构建大型 Redux 应用的模式和实践

¥Patterns and practices for structuring larger Redux applications


¥Apps and Examples

Redux 文档翻译

¥Redux Docs Translations



  • Redux in Action
    一本全面的书,涵盖了使用 Redux 的许多关键方面,包括 reducer 和操作的基础知识以及与 React 的使用、复杂的中间件和副作用、应用结构、性能、测试和 多得多。很好地解释了使用 Redux 的多种方法的优缺点和权衡。由 Redux 联合维护者 Mark Erikson 亲自推荐。

    ¥Redux in Action
    A comprehensive book that covers many key aspects of using Redux, including the basics of reducers and actions and use with React, complex middlewares and side effects, application structure, performance, testing, and much more. Does a great job of explaining the pros, cons, and tradeoffs of many approaches to using Redux. Personally recommended by Redux co-maintainer Mark Erikson.

  • 完整的 Redux 书
    如何管理生产中的大型状态?为什么我需要存储增强剂?处理表单验证的最佳方法是什么?使用简单的术语和示例代码获得所有这些问题以及更多问题的答案。了解使用 Redux 构建复杂且可投入生产的 Web 应用所需的一切。(注:现在永久免费!)

    ¥The Complete Redux Book
    How do I manage a large state in production? Why do I need store enhancers? What is the best way to handle form validations? Get the answers to all these questions and many more using simple terms and sample code. Learn everything you need to use Redux to build complex and production-ready web applications. (Note: now permanently free!)

  • Taming the State in React
    如果你已经通过作者之前的《React 学习之路》一书学习了 React,Taming the State in React 将是学习基础状态和高级状态的完美结合 React 中的管理。你将开始只学习 Redux,而不学习 React。随后,本书将向你展示如何将 Redux 连接到你的 React 应用。高级章节将教你有关规范化、命名、选择器和异步操作的知识。最后,你将使用 React 和 Redux 设置并构建一个现实世界的应用。

    ¥Taming the State in React
    If you have learned React with the previous book of the author called The Road to learn React, Taming the State in React will be the perfect blend to learn about basic and advanced state management in React. You will start out with learning only Redux without React. Afterward, the book shows you how to connect Redux to your React application. The advanced chapters will teach you about normalization, naming, selectors and asynchronous actions. In the end, you will set up and build a real world application with React and Redux.



  • 现代 React 与 Redux,作者:Stephen Grider(付费)
    在使用 React Router、Webpack 和 ES2015 开发应用时,通过本教程掌握 React 和 Redux 的基础知识。本课程将帮助你快速上手并运行,并教你深入理解和构建 React 组件以及使用 Redux 构建应用所需的核心知识。

    ¥Modern React with Redux, by Stephen Grider (paid)
    Master the fundamentals of React and Redux with this tutorial as you develop apps with React Router, Webpack, and ES2015. This course will get you up and running quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build React components and structure applications with Redux.

  • Redux,作者:Tyler McGinnis(付费)
    在学习 Redux 时,你需要在足够大的应用环境中学习它才能看到好处。这就是为什么这个课程很大。更好的名字可能是 "现实世界的回归"。如果你厌倦了 "待办事项清单" Redux 教程,那么你来对地方了。在本课程中,我们将讨论 Redux 为何特别适合管理应用中的状态。我们将构建一个实际的 "真实世界" 应用,以便你可以了解 Redux 如何处理乐观更新和错误处理等边缘情况。我们还将介绍许多与 Redux、Firebase 和 CSS 模块配合良好的其他技术。

    ¥Redux, by Tyler McGinnis (paid)
    When learning Redux, you need to learn it in the context of an app big enough to see the benefits. That's why this course is huge. A better name might be "Real World Redux". If you're sick of "todo list" Redux tutorials, you've come to the right place. In this course we'll talk all about what makes Redux special for managing state in your application. We'll build an actual "real world" application so you can see how Redux handles edge cases like optimistic updates and error handling. We'll also cover many other technologies that work well with Redux, Firebase, and CSS Modules.

  • 学习 Redux,作者:Wes Bos(免费)
    一个视频课程,介绍如何构建 '回归斯塔格拉姆' — 一个简单的照片应用,将简化 Redux、React Router 和 React.js 背后的核心思想

    ¥Learn Redux, by Wes Bos (free)
    A video course that walks through building 'Reduxstagram' — a simple photo app that will simplify the core ideas behind Redux, React Router and React.js


¥More Resources

  • React-Redux 链接 是 React、Redux、ES2015 等的高质量文章、教程和相关内容的精选列表。

    ¥React-Redux Links is a curated list of high-quality articles, tutorials, and related content for React, Redux, ES2015, and more.

  • Redux 生态系统链接 是 Redux 相关库、插件和实用程序的分类集合。

    ¥Redux Ecosystem Links is a categorized collection of Redux-related libraries, addons, and utilities.

  • 很棒的 Redux 是 Redux 相关存储库的广泛列表。

    ¥Awesome Redux is an extensive list of Redux-related repositories.

  • 开发社区 是一个分享 Redux 项目、文章和教程,以及开始讨论和寻求 Redux 相关主题反馈的地方。欢迎各种技能水平的开发者参加。

    ¥DEV Community is a place to share Redux projects, articles and tutorials as well as start discussions and ask for feedback on Redux-related topics. Developers of all skill-levels are welcome to take part.